The year was 1987. 

In Bedford, Ohio, a high school junior who had never played sports was invited to a drug awareness retreat at a local recreation center. During a break in the retreat, he would walk over to a basketball and a hoop and begin to shoot baskets. When he got home from the retreat, he told his mom “I think I want to play basketball.” His mom simply said “well, then watch the games on TV.” 

From that retreat to this very day, that kid from Bedford Ohio has loved the game of basketball. He would lay in his bed at night and listen to the voice of Joe Tait and games on AM radio. When games were on local TV, he would watch them too. He would study the players and their moves. They were his coach. The TV was his practice gym. 

There was one player that he really liked. A point guard. He identified with the player, although he was a FAR better shooter. Maybe the best shooter ever. 

That player was Mark Price. 

That kid from Bedford, Ohio was me. 

Today, I have the absolute honor to interview one of the few heroes I have in my life. I use that word “hero” very carefully. I am particular about who I would give that label. 

Today, I get to interview a man of faith. A man respected by fans not only in Cleveland but across the NBA landscape. 

Today I get to interview a player that represented Cleveland in an amazing career with our hometown Cavaliers. 

My guest today is my new friend, one of my few heroes and former Cleveland Cavaliers guard, Mark Price. 

Sports Illustrated – Mark Price Article