This is for all of those travel parents out there. You’re in it right now. Your weekends are crazy. Your lawn is neglected. Your bank account keeps seeing more debits than credits as you attend events and you have to pay for parking, refreshments, hotels, fuel, and everything else. You’re tired. You might even be wondering why you are still doing it and can’t wait till it’s over.

Can I encourage you today?


You’re gonna miss this.

Years ago I wrote a post called “What I’m gonna miss.” I shared what I would miss the most about the whole travel thing with “the boy.” It’s unbelievable to me that we’re now at a place where he is graduated FROM COLLEGE and started his first job. We’re no longer in any travel sports as parents. I still believe what I tweeted in 2019…..

So as someone on the other side, let me say this….

As you loaded up your car for another weekend in another state for another game against a team from the same city and state you live in…

As you played zone with your spouse trying to get 3 kids to 4 events in 1 day…..

When tryouts for next season are happening in the middle of this one….

When parents are talking in the stands and already planning to start another team or move to another organization…

Don’t miss your kid actually playing the game.

Don’t get so caught up in the next that you forget the present.

Get emersed in your child. Their heart, dreams, and goals. You know them better than anyone. Where do they want to go and who do they want to be?

Watch your kid.

Savor the moments of your kid.

I’m not saying to not make relationships with the other parents and players. Some of my most treasured friends came around a ballfield with other parents. I love celebrating their children’s success and journeys too. Invest in the other people in the stands. You’ll be glad you did.

If you ask me what I miss most now, I will quickly tell you that I miss watching my son pitch. Period. Full stop.

Not the uniforms he wore. Not the drama. Not the wins or losses.

I miss watching him pitch.

So when you load up this weekend for whatever sport it is that you’re headed off to, remember to watch your child and block out the rest.

You’ll miss it the most when it’s over.