Approximately 12 years ago, I had the opportunity to partner with a co-worker on rebuilding the entire website of a Fortune 500 company. As life would have it, time and change happened. Thanks to sites like LinkedIn, the first person to reach out as I launched MyUnscripted was Nick Gugliotti. It had literally been years since we had last connected.

Business isn’t transactional. Business is relationships.

Today I am happy to introduce you to the Director of Web Development for MyUnscripted. Nick Gugliotti comes to us from Connecticut. For the past several months Nick and I have planned, dreamed and looked forward to launching our full breadth of services. He has been an advisor from the beginning.

His skill and dedication to creating sites that fit the needs of our clients is unmatched. The very site that you are reading this announcement on has been carefully crafted by his vision. We have also had the honor of working with other clients including our Director of YouTube Programming, CJ Volkmann (

I normally close my announcements by saying “welcome to the TEAM.” I can’t tell you how much it has meant to me to say “Thanks for believing and being a part of this TEAM Nick.” From the very beginning.

For more information and ways we can help you with your website and development needs, contact us today!