Episode 241 | Erin Arnett – Festa Columbus

Episode 241 | Erin Arnett – Festa Columbus

Episode 241 is with my neighbor and good friend Erin Arnett. We’re both celebrating the graduation of our children (her first and my last) this week. Erin joined me for a much larger reason and that is to talk about the Festa-vul even in Hilliard in August. More...
Episode 240 | Cristobal Kruzen

Episode 240 | Cristobal Kruzen

Epsideo 240 is one of the more emotional, personal and real episodes I have ever done. Cristobal Krusen, Director of the new film “Let Me Have My Son” joins me to discuss the film and his very personal connection. Cristóbal Krusen was born and raised...
Episode 236 | Tyler Sansom – I Can Movie

Episode 236 | Tyler Sansom – I Can Movie

Episode 236 is with Tyler Sansom, Director of the new film “I Can.” Tyler is also the Lead Pastor at ⁠ChurchAnywhere.us. ⁠ In this episode, we discuss a number of things including the new film “I Can.” For more about I Can, Fox News recently...