Help Heather Return To Honduras

Dear Friends and Family,

I am so excited to share with you a very special opportunity that God has placed on my heart! In just a few short months, June 1st – 9th, I will be going on a short-term mission trip to Choluteca, Honduras with a team from Rock City Church. It was 11 years ago that God first confirmed to me that he had an opportunity waiting for me to join Him in this same location.  I am once again thrilled to serve alongside “family” again in a country not my own.

While in Honduras, our group will be able to reach the needs of people through an established ministry there changing the community and helping people both spiritually and educationally. On my last trip we visited a children’s health and nutrition center that has now expanded into a community school. We also worked alongside others to build a first house for a family.  This house has now grown into a full community and is expanding to other areas.  There was also one orphanage on site in this community, and now there are three orphanages to accept even more children. Oftentimes while there, God would present a need, we would see it and meet it.  I experienced this as both radical and organic to simply witness the Lord taking a group of servants willing to go and bring his personal love to an unexpectant recipient. One such story involved a man we met outside of the local store.  He had an accident and was paralyzed from the waist down.  We lifted him from his chair into our truck, along with a bag of groceries and a bed, and took him home to sleep on a mattress and bed frame for the first time.  While meeting his family and praying, each one of his family members accepted the Lord that very day. Being a small part of God’s work is such a beautiful privilege.

I’m writing to ask for your prayerful consideration in joining me as a ministry partner.  Prayer support would be especially meaningful as the Lord has a plan to reach people in Honduras right where they are, just as they are. I would also appreciate prayers for the safety of the group and that we would have open hearts and minds, ready to receive from the Lord in any given moment. If you feel led, would you also prayerfully consider supporting the trip with a monetary gift? Any monetary gift will be used to directly support the ministry of the Iglesia Gran Comision Church and the neighboring communities.  What does this look like?

  • Hospitals visits – sandwiches to feed families for the day – $20
  • Food for one family per week at the nutrition center – $150
  • A first time bed (including constructed bed frame, mattress, and painted verse) – $200
  • A complete home, built with materials from the surrounding area – $8,000
  • We will be able to give and accomplish as much as our finances allow.

Words cannot express how thankful I am for your willingness to consider this partnership. Regardless of this trip, I hope you know how much I appreciate you.  For planning purposes, all funds need to be collected by March 15th. Wishing you the best, and I look forward to sharing upon my return about all the incredible ways the Lord was at work!


Heather Conrad

Important Disclaimer! – To insure the tax deductibility of your support gift, IRS regulations stipulate that support contributions may not specify that an individual be the beneficiary of or direct recipient of the contribution. However, you may indicate a preference below and the Church will endeavor to honor that preference. Make all checks payable to Rock City Church.  All donations are non-refundable.

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