There is something special about your hometown.

Maybe it’s just me.

Maybe I am just an empath that never forgets where he came from. Maybe I put too much into an area code. Maybe you can take the boy out of his hometown but you can never take the hometown outta the boy. Maybe it’s the massive 216 tattoo on my forearm that always reminds me of where I came from.

I don’t know what it is.

I just know I love my hometown.

I’m curious if you love yours.

I think some may want to forever forget their hometown. Maybe it only represents pain and things you want to forget.

For me, it shaped me. It made me. I am who I am because of Bedford, Ohio and “The 216.”

I will never apologize for that.

I’m dang proud of it.

Years have been tough on Bedford. So much has changed. The shoe store where I started working when I was 14 is now something else. Someone else lives in the house I grew up in. Most of the houses of friends I grew up with are occupied by another family now.

But they are still “the (insert name) house.” Where “(insert name) grew up.”

I don’t forget the scars, the smiles, the moments and the memories.

I’m wearing my 216 hoodie from our Unscripted Collective store today and feeling some kinda way.

I love my hometown and someday, when they spread my ashes……I’ve asked them to put a few in the 216.

It’s what built me.

It’s who I am and who I will forever be.

It’s my hometown.