Pastor Adam Comer – the CEO of S2L Recovery, is featured in the documentary and is a producer of the film. His story is incredible, as he was once a patient at S2L…and now he is the Executive Director.

The team at S2L Recovery has released a short, 45 min documentary on how faith in Jesus is an essential element in recovery programs, especially when it comes to opioid addiction.  The film – The Forgotten Pandemic – was released to share the stories and successes of why faith-based programs are revolutionizing the face of recovery. There is hope for those struggling with opioid addiction!

This is the most real, raw and honest episode I have ever done. This was personal. This was hard and trust me, I know that there will be after effects of what I shared halfway through. I did it because I don’t want anyone else to struggle one more day. No more bad days. Reach out. Find help. Email me (below). Email Adam (also below). Let’s carry the mat for one another. 

If you hear this and know someone that needs help or freedom, please share this. It might change their life forever.